
  • Argyris Stringaris
  • Melissa A. Brotman
  • Megan E. Connolly
  • Stephen J. Fromm

Am J Psychiatry 169 :6 , June 2012 ajp.psychiatryonline.o rg 6 3 3 relates of motor inhibition in healthy youths and adults are inconsistent, with some studies reporting increased prefrontal cortex activation in youths (10, 11) and others reporting the reverse (8). Response inhibition in youths with bipolar disorder has been associated with decreased striatal, ventral prefrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex activation compared with healthy youths (12). However, interpretation of these findings is complicated by comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in bipolar disorder, since both diagnoses are characterized by impulsivity. Differences in ventral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex activation have been reported between youths with manic depression and healthy youths during a task requiring motor inhibition (13). Finally, during response inhibition, adults with mania exhibit decreased activation in the ventral prefrontal (14) and anterior cingulate (15) cortices compared with neural activation in healthy adults. Overall, this literature generates three conclusions: that motor inhibition deficits exist in bipolar disorder and (Am J P sych ia try 2 012 ; 1 69 :633–641 ) A D eve lopm en ta l S tudy o f the Neu ra l C ircu itry M ed ia ting M o to r Inh ib ition in B ipo la r D iso rde r

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تاریخ انتشار 2012